
Thursday, December 30, 2004

Not going to jinx things by asking "what next" 

I have decided to drop my CPE unit this January and take a class at the seminary instead. There's so much going on right now in my life that such an intensive program does not seem like the best thing for me. I spoke with the woman who would have been my supervisor and she told me (and praise her for this because we all know the kinds of issues I have with letting people down) that they would be fine and the most important thing was to work on myself.

Now being me, I tossed and turned over this all night and got maybe an two hours of sleep over 12 hours. So Dallas is going to have to wait until tomorrow. Sad, it'll be a short trip now, but again there's that whole self-care thing. Need to keep improving on it.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

So Mom, Neli, and I are sitting in mom's room watching yet another Indian movie. This one is more of a thriller. It's insane. We love it, in the it's incredibly painful to watch but pain can be good for you way. We're actually currently watching it at 2x speed. Much quicker that way and perhaps more interesting. Neli has a good plan - wild wolves should come in and kill them all. Actually, they should have come in in the first few minutes and then the thing would have been over hours ago.

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Had a great time with Sarah tonight.

We met Daniel for dinner and then did coffee and conversation. Had some good talk about life, about God, about random things. It's nice to see old friends and still have stuff to talk with them about. Found out the person I, um, didn't date in high school is living with his folks. Sad - not that there's anything wrong with that said the girl whose fate may soon be the same - that he hasn't gotten out, away, on his own. Lots of folks from this generation seem to do the same though.

Sometimes my generation confuses me. Sarah and I talked about friends who won't go to church but fully intend to once they have kids, who really want to get married in a church, and all those other kinds of things. I got to use some of my seminary knowledge in that conversation, which is always good. Oh, oh, and later when talking with her and my dad, I got to use some stuff from ethics. Now, never thought that would happen, at least not so blatantly.

Mom, Neli, and I proceeded to watch the last half of our Bollywood movie. It was almost too much, this one. Apparently in ever well-to-do Indian home, there is a windmachine that will blow your hair/clothes as to provide the correct amount of dramatic emphasis when needed. Good to know, good to know.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Poor, poor little fingers. They have gone numb, well, not completely numb because it hurts to type right now. No one told me learning to play the guitar would hurt. Okay, maybe they did, but I didn't hear it so it doesn't count.

My poor brain hurts too. I'm trying to figure out what exactly to say about myself for the CSC form. I dunno. I like pumpkin pie, I can make a good custard, I have a slight obsession with a tv show about the undead? You really want to give me a job and money to pay the bills? Something about God?

If someone would write a brief statement introducing me, I would be ever most grateful. If someone could write a brief statement introducing me that sounds really good, I'd been even more grateful and might even bake them - well, not a cake, those don't do well in my little oven - some over cooked bananna bread! Wow, could I make that offer any more tempting?

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Sunday, December 26, 2004

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball and you have to deal and it sucks. That's all I have to say about that.

In other news, I saw the Phantom movie the other day. I never really rooted for the Phantom or thought he was all that sexy, but, well, damn. Hot, hot, and some more hot. It's been a few days and I'm still saying "wow."

Been making plans for this summer when I'm still looking for a job (which I'm sure I will be). Think I may be coming home, at least for a while. Fun times. Joy of joys. I just want this next year to fast foward and be done. Well, the hard stuff. I want to spend time with my friends who I'm already starting to get sad about leaving. The boys have called me and it's been sweet but makes me sad that in a couple months that's how I'll spend time with them, on the phone. Some friends that's cool, but my boys I like to see in person and get some good hugs from. Sniff.

Oh, and I finally got a haircut. Yay!!!

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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The end of the semester is just too damn busy.

Had a nice weekend seeing my brother and Noell - lots of fun was had but not a lot of work got done.

I have like 50 things I need to do before the end of said semester but I'm not sure when I'm going to do them. I'm sure it doesn't help that I have social plans every single night until after my final in ethics. I'm starting to remember why I had stress issues in college - so many people, so little time.

Stuart and I had lunch today at the house he and Lisa are watching and there's an honest to goodness bomb shelter in the basement - crank to let the air in and everything. Now it's serving as the gift-wrapping room. Weird. Just weird.

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Thursday, December 02, 2004

Bah! Stressful week is almost at an end. Sermon went well, ethics paper was as good as it was going to get, and fun is going to be had tonight. Yay Weicher's birthday. It's fun seeing how friends try and de-stress you. Laurie gave me her engagement ring and told me to wear it for a while because it makes her smile. You know, she's right. Even though I don't want them myself, seeing diamonds on your finger is a pick-me-up.

And in other news I sinned. And now I have to confess. Tuesday night I was writing that paper with the boys and they made a Taco Bell run and... well, let's say I suggested if a grilled stuffed buritto happened to appear I would take care of it. Bad, bad Amy.

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