
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Poor, poor little fingers. They have gone numb, well, not completely numb because it hurts to type right now. No one told me learning to play the guitar would hurt. Okay, maybe they did, but I didn't hear it so it doesn't count.

My poor brain hurts too. I'm trying to figure out what exactly to say about myself for the CSC form. I dunno. I like pumpkin pie, I can make a good custard, I have a slight obsession with a tv show about the undead? You really want to give me a job and money to pay the bills? Something about God?

If someone would write a brief statement introducing me, I would be ever most grateful. If someone could write a brief statement introducing me that sounds really good, I'd been even more grateful and might even bake them - well, not a cake, those don't do well in my little oven - some over cooked bananna bread! Wow, could I make that offer any more tempting?

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