
Sunday, December 26, 2004

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball and you have to deal and it sucks. That's all I have to say about that.

In other news, I saw the Phantom movie the other day. I never really rooted for the Phantom or thought he was all that sexy, but, well, damn. Hot, hot, and some more hot. It's been a few days and I'm still saying "wow."

Been making plans for this summer when I'm still looking for a job (which I'm sure I will be). Think I may be coming home, at least for a while. Fun times. Joy of joys. I just want this next year to fast foward and be done. Well, the hard stuff. I want to spend time with my friends who I'm already starting to get sad about leaving. The boys have called me and it's been sweet but makes me sad that in a couple months that's how I'll spend time with them, on the phone. Some friends that's cool, but my boys I like to see in person and get some good hugs from. Sniff.

Oh, and I finally got a haircut. Yay!!!

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