
Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Does the day get better? Yes. I just spoke with Barbara Holmes, a CTS grad and the author of the new book Race and the Cosmos. She was such a joy to speak with. She spoke much of what I feel about my calling. I feel rejuvinated and replenished.

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Got a lot of things to think about already... Let's start off with this morning. Alarm didn't wake me up - again - so I was about an hour later to OT, which means when Brueggeman called on me for missing the first half of last Friday's class thanks to my alarm, I wasn't there. I got the "only once" speach after class which I've never gotten before. And then I got chocolate on my shirt, and then I fell out of the chair, and then the stupid librairy copying card confused me.... It's been a morning alright. At least I got a "great observation" on my little one page paper for OT from last week. No, that doesn't really do me any good. Don't know what I'll do if the day just gets worse, and it sure could. And now it's off to class... Don't even have time to reflect on last night... Maybe later.

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Monday, September 23, 2002

I love little kids. They just have this way of making you smile. This Sunday I got to play in a nursery for 4 hours (and get paid for it) and it just couldn't have been better. The only problem is that the more I play with kids, the more I want some of my own. Since I haven't found anyone to put up with yet and I'm still in school, I have got to learn patience. That's some kind of virtue, right?

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Wednesday, September 18, 2002


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We just did Community Day here at good ol CTS. The man who keynoted, Rev Mr Otis something or other (I was too fixated on the first name - thanks to Paula again - to notice), was phenominal. Talk about preaching. Gave me chills. When I hear preaching like that, I half think I'll never be any good because I know I won't be THAT good while the other half of me can't wait to get in the pulpit. I am a strange creature, I know.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Hmm. Yet another post by me today. I guess this means I don't have to do anymore for the rest of the week. Again, I should be studying Hebrew. Went to a study group to attempt that. Didn't learn much Hebrew but I had a lot of fun. I think I'll put that on the vocab quiz if Casson gives it to us tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Community Day here at Columbia. It'll be interesting to see what exactly unfurls given the sad state of our lawn. No whiffle ball, I'm sure. I know Rodger is having Miranda (and others I'm sure) lead a small group. What we're doing in that small group, I don't know. As long as we aren't drawing on sheets (no offense to those programs that do... youthquake... JH Jubilee) I think I'll be cool with it.

Right now I should also be working on my Old Testament stuff... I still have like 10 chapters to read. Yeah, I really think it's going to be Leah and Rachel stuff for my reflection. Stick to what you know, or read in a book, right? Of course, if I regergitated The Red Tent, I think Dr Brueggeman (he who makes us sit in assigned seats) would see right through that... Bah, original(ish) thoughts are so over-rated.

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Okay... the comment link is there, it's just not where it's supposed to be. Why, why are you oppressing me? (Big shout out to Paula Jo for that one!)

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Well I'm sitting in the library, trying to wait out the rain, trying to avoid Hebrew. I attempted to add a comments link to this page, that way you all could rant and rave back at me, but no luck. I'll probably have to bribe Teri to help me. Hmmm, maybe I can get Noell to bake something.

Hebrew makes me want to cry. It's not that I don't think I can get it, it's just that it takes up so much of my energy trying to keep up with my prof as he's going all over the place, not committing to any rule (which I understand and yet people keep asking him to do so - this isn't Greek folk, though that one can be a pain too). I realize that if I want to be serious about becoming an OT prof, that I'll need to have a good grade in Hebrew. Hmmmph.

In other news, Noell and I are going crazy with the "friends" that appear in our apartment on (greater) occasion. Neither of us are the best with these "water beatles," though Noell is much better than I. I think we may already be scouting for a new place to live next year. Maybe a nice house where there aren't any unexpected "guests" and where we could get a dog. And as I type this, I realize why people sometimes think we're a couple. We both do the "we" thing, on top of the "sweetie, honey" thing. I think I'm going to go on-line right now and try and find a "I know I may come off as one, but I'm really not a lesbian" shirt. Might be helpful in my 'quest' to find someone of the opposite sex that I can put up with.

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Monday, September 16, 2002

So as I was sitting at home last night watching television - Noell wasn't back from Flordia yet and Beth and Chad had already left - I saw something that made me made. I can tell all of you are shocked. Me, mad at something on tv? Never. Okay so many of you have had the privledge of watching me scream and yell at said television when something makes me upset. Noell and I often do that together now... We play with the cat and yell at the tv. We lead very exciting lives.

Back to the outrage at hand. There was this commericial for some video game, which game I can't remember at the moment, and it starts out with this man in a padded suit at a women's self defense class. The women are practicing their techniques on him, beating him up rather well. Cut to outtakes of the game. This warrior fellow is tearing it up on a pack of bad guys, being all sweaty and manly. Cut back to the self denfense class. The man in the suit - who is still wearing it - has beating up the entire class of women. One of the women who had previously been shown punching him is keeling over in pain and defeat.

Can anyone guess what I'm not happy about? Could it be that A) the makers of this commercial actually think that a man - who was not given to look all that brawny - dressed in a constricting suit would be able to single handedly take on an entire class of obviously trained women; B) that the commericial idicates that even though women may be taking these self defense classes, they are just kidding themselves, after all, the Pillsbury Doughboy can beat them; C) that violence against women who are trying to empower themselves is a good thing and all real manly men won't hesitate to do it; or D) all of the above and so much more.

The sad thing is, these types of commercials are aimed at a specific audience, an audience that spends its time playing these games where they can be warriors and inflict violence wherever they wish. In most of these role-playing games, those that the hero fights are not human - pure evil - thus the violence is justified. Given that, what does this commercial say about women?

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Saturday, September 14, 2002

"Wisdom cries out in the street;
in the squares she raises her
At the busiest square she
cries out;
at the entrance of the city gates
she speaks:"

The above comes from Proverbs, one of my personal favorite books of the Bible. It will also serve, I hope, as a kind of mission statement for this blog page. I plan on using it so that those of you who are far away from me can keep up with my life - at least little snippets of it. I would also think, given my tendancy to ramble in a very self-important manner, that this site will be a place to find the occasional pearl of wisdom. The wisdom to babbling ratio might bring to mind the proverbial needle in a haystack image, but here's hoping.

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