
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

To Friends 

Over the last several months I have spent a lot of time being truly and genuinely happy for many of my friends. Big new changes have come and it is so exciting to see them so joy-filled about these changes.

And now it's my turn for a change, my turn for something new. And my friends are so happy for me. It's so wonderful to receive that gift, to have people to share in your joy. It manages to multiple that joy even more.

So here's to friends. Thank you all.

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Now THIS is the life 

I'm about to get on a plane for a little trip to Europe. Mom and I are flying first class - which is great since it's a 9 hour flight. We're also currently sitting in the President's Club Lounge. It is gorgeous. Seriously. There's free wi-fi, which is how I'm on-line at the moment, little cheeses, fruits, etc, a bar with free whatever (I just went for ginger ale) and someone to come tell you when it's time to board your flight.

Why again did I decide to become a minister instead of a high-power, lots of money-making, lawyer? Remind me again?

Try not to be too envious of me (I'm stuck in coach on the way back for sure so the life isn't that charmed. Okay, yes it is. :)

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Bon Voyage 

I'm off to the Benelux countries tomorrow! I'll be gone for almost a week, then back for less than 24 hours, then gone for the weekend, then back Monday, then gone Tuesday, back Wed, then gone Monday for 2 weeks.


I think I may go crazy with all that travel! And we all know how much I just love planes.

I'm hoping my body doesn't explode while I'm on all these trips.

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Monday, June 13, 2005

I've heard there are crazies everywhere 

and now I believe.

There's this one particular person at work that is, well, a piece of work. That said person has lasted so long in the church is a testament to where our priorities often are as a community of faith. Sigh.

On a happier note, I did indeed see Mr. and Mrs. Smith (last night as opposed to Saturday) and enjoyed it's silliness very much. And Angelina Jolie is hot. Sure, Brad Pitt is cute, but he doesn't smolder and sizzle quite like she does. And I'm a straight woman! But really, who can resist that lady?

Also, I've added a link over on the right hand side of this little blog. Apparently the PCUSA's moderator has a blog. Who knew?

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Saturday, June 11, 2005

O Happy Day 

I got assessed, I got assessed! Yay! Now I can for real get a job. Yay!

Think I might go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith tonight in celebration.

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Summertime and the living is easy 

Except not so much.

I am exhausted. EXHAUSTED. I've been leading this day trip/service thing for junior highs this week and while I'm enjoying the time with the kids, I'm so, so tired... my poor little brain is pooped, my body is gone. And, being me, I'm obsessing over this meeting I have on Saturday. Sure, my CPM has given me absolutely no reason to think anything will go "wrong" - my liason won't even be there and I'm hoping if she had any reason to doubt clear sailing she'd make it a priority over a granddaughter's birthday party - not that that's not important, but hello, my future. But again, being me, I'm nervous. I think I'm so nervous because I think I'm hearing my call. I'm hearing a call to one place for something - if it turns out to be the CALL, call, I'd be thrilled. So, I just gotta get through the next three days.

Here's hoping, here's praying.

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Thursday, June 02, 2005

So, I've gone Teri 

Or vegetarian, whatever you want to call it.

Yes, after a couple years of saying "I could be a vegetarian if it wasn't from the Brick Burger," I have become one. At least I have for the past couple weeks. I hope I don't cave, but we'll see.

I have not, however, given up beer - my other favorite item on the Brickstore menu! Don't worry Noell, all your training will not be wasted!

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