
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Now THIS is the life 

I'm about to get on a plane for a little trip to Europe. Mom and I are flying first class - which is great since it's a 9 hour flight. We're also currently sitting in the President's Club Lounge. It is gorgeous. Seriously. There's free wi-fi, which is how I'm on-line at the moment, little cheeses, fruits, etc, a bar with free whatever (I just went for ginger ale) and someone to come tell you when it's time to board your flight.

Why again did I decide to become a minister instead of a high-power, lots of money-making, lawyer? Remind me again?

Try not to be too envious of me (I'm stuck in coach on the way back for sure so the life isn't that charmed. Okay, yes it is. :)

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