
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A few images 

Well, the ordination rocked. Went off without a hitch. Service lasted a little over an hour and a half... Only cried twice. I posted a few pics over on my blog for church. But here are a couple more - just for my girls (and anyone else who happens to read this!)

This is me at my messy desk. As I'm typing this, I'm turned around to the other side, facing the wall. That's my normal position.

Here's me standing outside the church - with the sign that has my name! - right before the ordination service. The stole I'm wearing my parents had commissioned for me. It's quilted and gorgeous.

This is my house (and no, I don't live in the whole thing. I have the main floor - so the door that the rounded stairs lead to, that's my front door. The room on the left of the door is my living room and the room on the right is my bedroom. Check out the revamy.blogspot.com site for a pic of my kitchen.

Other exciting news - yesterday I got my cat. Her name is Anyanka, but you can call her Anya for short! And sadly, I'm slightly allergic to her (though no where near as bad as I was with Ollie). I'm hoping I'll adjust (I had a similar reaction when I moved to my parents' house over the summer and within a couple weeks had gotten over it). I'll have to find a camera (these pics were from my grandparents) and take pictures. This morning she crawled over half way up the 9 1/2 ft Christmas tree before I caught her - yes, I have a Christmas tree already up... it's fake and takes a lot of work so I put it up yesterday while my parents were still in town.

That's the news from Lake Woebegone!

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