
Monday, June 13, 2005

I've heard there are crazies everywhere 

and now I believe.

There's this one particular person at work that is, well, a piece of work. That said person has lasted so long in the church is a testament to where our priorities often are as a community of faith. Sigh.

On a happier note, I did indeed see Mr. and Mrs. Smith (last night as opposed to Saturday) and enjoyed it's silliness very much. And Angelina Jolie is hot. Sure, Brad Pitt is cute, but he doesn't smolder and sizzle quite like she does. And I'm a straight woman! But really, who can resist that lady?

Also, I've added a link over on the right hand side of this little blog. Apparently the PCUSA's moderator has a blog. Who knew?

mmm... angelina jolie... yummy... she's GORgeous! and i thought you already knew there were crazies all around, after all, you did live with me for two years... ;-)
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