
Monday, February 07, 2005

the horror, the horror 

So here's the background information:
I'm lazy.
My batteries are dying in my remote so I can press only so many buttons in so much time.
My tv has a function that tells you what show is coming up and a little synopsis.

So here's the story:
I click over to the WB to see if Everwood is new. 7th heaven happens to be on at the moment. After clicking over to the WB, the remote stops working. I'm stuck on 7th heaven. I can't make it change (again, from my chair).
I've seen this show before, several times in fact thanks to a certain friend who liked to watch and make fun of it. Oh how I wish she were here. It hurts so so bad and only humor can make it better. Both of the older girls apparently have babies, there are 2 guys who I have no idea how they connect to the family, and the twins are still little balls of evil.
The ep centered around Ruthie, the youngest girl, and her first date. Since it's 7th heaven, the whole family has to get involved and of course the Satanic twins want to come along and even get all dressed up in little suits (tie included) all on their own. HORRIBLE.
The very end of the episode has Rutie come in from a date, turn on the music "Kiss Me," start take off her jacket, and twirl around her room. I swear, for a second, I forgot what show I was watching and thought she was going to start touching herself, especially when she fell on the bed with this weird grin.

I think the point of this story is my utter agony. Yep, that's it. I suffered so I have to share.

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