
Monday, January 10, 2005

Life has that way... 

of getting better.

I woke up this morning not feeling off for the first time in weeks. It's a damn nice feeling. I'm registered for all the classes I need, I've got a lot of paper work done, I'm okay to get my very first student loan... All my worrying is proving mostly for naught. Well, duh, one might say. That's the sucky thing about worrying, though. You may know intellectually that all will be fine but there's that nagging bit of your mind that doesn't want shut up that says no. Well, nagger, I say no to you.

It's also really helpful to reread things you've written about yourself in the past. I've been putting together statements about me for various forms for call searches and I came across this:
"I have a joy for life and the God who gifts us with life that is evident in my daily living."

Oh, that's right. That's who I am. Not this stressed out person. That happy, fun-loving, joy-filled person. A friend of mine told me she thinks I embody joy and that was also a nice reminder. So, that's where I'm going to be. In happy happy joy joy land. It's pretty nice. I'll send postcards.

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