
Friday, September 24, 2004

So yay for ords being done... but boo for life coming back to the forefront. Okay, not life, but the part of life where I have to write a 15 page theology paper in the next week if I want to go before presbytery in November. Blah.

Started working on my room today, trying to make it inhabitable. What I really need is more storage space, and more room, and a real kitchen. Of course, I could have a closet of a single room, so I shouldn't complain... too loudly.

So, after my fun with scary movies last Sunday, I'm going to see not one but two tomorrow. Oh yeah, I'm bright.

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Monday, September 20, 2004

I am so smart S-M-R-T... Just hope the folks who read my exegesis ord realize this too. I mean, really, people, brilliant, brialliant!

Saw a very very very scary movie last night with Napoli and Dan... The Ring. Wasn't too scary - well beyond the regular stuff - until the very end. I do not approve. Of course, on that note, Napoli and I have plans to go see Shaun of the Dead on Friday. Yes, that's right. When I get scared, I just like to keep on scaring myself. Might as well get it all in at one time.

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Friday, September 17, 2004

So that whole trusting in God thing... it's a lot easier to say than to do. But it looks like I've got no choice. It feels like all of "me" as been taking away from this whole ordination process thing and all that's left is God, and the folks who grade the tests (with grace please). And my confidence is completely shot. And I've got a headache. And I don't want to do this again but think I'll probably have to. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Life certainly has a way of not sticking to the script! Oh wait, in my last sermon we talked about how there was no script. Must remember these things...

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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Right now my alarm is set to go off playing one of my cds... which is great. Except for the part where I get the first song stuck in my head all day. Last week it was Modest Mouse, this week Jem. I switched the cd last night to Jill Scott's new album, but the first song is really more of an amalgam of sounds, not something easily stuck in the head. So my brain has switched back to Jem.

Oh what a hard life I lead.... too bad I don't have Calvin's Institutes running through my head.

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Saturday, September 11, 2004

For those who are curious, ahem, Noe, the Old 97's concert is Oct 29. Yay. Happy moment again.

I went to Decatur CD today for some music - new Trashcan Sinatras cd - and there was an in-store performance by a local band called National Grain. They were pretty good - a little more melo than I like my alt-country but they were lacking a lead guitar.

While there, saw several folks picking up Drag It Up - the new 97's cd - and struck up a conversation with one of them. She was introduced to the boys via an old boyfriend from Austin and will be going to the show. And that makes me happy. People who know the music and love it are going to be there, as hopefully opposed to say, drunken frat boys that occasionaly show up in Dallas.

And now it's back to studying. Had a dream last night that for part of the ORDs we had to design t-shirts, mine was about water, and then when we left the t-shirt designing place we were confronted by folks outside who wanted to know our answers to question 3. Except we hadn't taken that exam yet so they gave us the question - what would you do to stop WW3 - and then were grading us on our oral response. I stuttered something out about love, and 1 John 3... Weird, weird dreams.

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Friday, September 10, 2004

I get to go get Old 97's tickets today!!! Yippy!!!

I also get to go back to work and study some more for ORDS... not so yippy.

I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid... seriously, Stacy mentioned yesterday that we only have 8 months until graduation. Who said that was okay? I don't know what I'm going to do, mainly because I don't know where I'm going to be on the ordination spectrum. And that's real frustrating, the not knowing. I don't approve.

So, instead, I'll focus on my boys and let them sing to me. That will make everything better, well, at least not so sucky.

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Monday, September 06, 2004

Okay. So, um, I know Queer As Folk is supposed to be one of the big things for people in my demographic - single, twentysomething, straight women - but, um... Ick. I... I just watched soft core gay porn with my mother... Sure, there was a plot, but, so not what I ever wanted to see. Ever. EVER.

Mom's still watching - she thinks that after the pilot episode it will tone down. I have no such hope and I certainly can't sit through more if she's wrong.

I always thought I wasn't a prude - well, at least not in theory - but I couldn't watch QAF... I just couldn't. Queer Eye, however. Give me gay men doing makeovers instead of gay men doing each other - in such explicit detail - any day.

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Ahem... this blog update is brought to you by Noell's persistance.

Going back to school tomorrow - yay. Well, yay except for the hurricane and the ord exams I have waiting for me there. I can't decide which is worse.

I don't have a tutu bedskirt and that makes me sad. Sniff. I do, though, have about 5 more pairs of shoes than I did when I left Atlanta. And more clothes. And more music. And more dvds. Yes, that's right folks, I have rejoined our consumer culture. Joy of joys.

Oh, I also have my job waiting for me... that'll be nice, I'm pretty sure. Might take me awhile to get back into the swing of things.

Mom and I just watched Don Juan de Marco. I'd never seen it. I have to say, Johnny Depp, very, very yummy. I do believe I would be one of his thousands of women. Okay, no, this is me, I wouldn't. But I'd like to pretend that I would.

And now mother is calling me back so we can watch some Queer as Folk. Bring on the men! Okay, gay men, but men none the less.

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