
Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Today is my baby brother's 16th birthday. I don't think I can remember being 16. Oh wait, yes I can, it was ages ago. Scary thing, he's legal to drive now. Scarier thing, last time I was at home, he was driving like a little old lady. So, Happy Birthday Ted! And don't drive 10 miles an hour.

Ooo - exciting note: the remote control is NOT broken. I know everyone was worried, but not to fear, Noell fixed it. All she did was unstick the "7" button. She's a genius. Other exciting note, I'm expanding my craft skills and spent much of the weekend sewing a purse. That's right, me, sewing. Yes, much cursing has been involved and I'm still several hours from being done. Noell, of course, is finished and her purse is beautiful. The jury's still out on mine.

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