
Thursday, October 31, 2002

Wow, it's been two weeks since my last post.... It's about time I did another one.

Since that time I've been to Sherman and back, D.C. and back, have written three papers, and participated in two protests against the possible war with Iraq.

My first anti-war protest happened, October 17th! Teri and I skipped our baptism outing (with several other CTS folk) and headed downtown. W. was speaking at some Republican party thing, raising support for that moron Saxby Chambliss, so it was a perfect oppurtunity to show the "President" that he does not speak for ALL of the American people. It was full of such energy; AND I was 4 feet away from Emily of the Indigo Girls. It'll be a pretty tough experience to beat.

I had a wonderful time at homecoming - didn't want to come back. I am having a great experience in seminary so far, have met some fabulous people and made great friends. Still, there's something to be said for the familiar. When I got back into the community I'd been a part of for four years, it made me really homesick (which Paula can attest to). Miss the comfortability, the easiness of being my whole self that the AC people give me. But I did make it back, and a good thing too.

I had an amazing time in D.C. last weekend. Don't know if you all follow the news, but there was a huge anti-war protest in D.C. (b/w 100,000 and 200,000 people are reported as being there) with corresponding rallies around the world. I went with several other students at the seminary - we caught a busfull of Atlantians headed up to D.C. to protest. It was the largest anti-war rally in D.C. since the Vietnam era, and the first to be "pre-emptive." Anyway, it was great feeling like we did some good. Met some really interesting people.

My other big thing right now: Paul Wellstone, the senator from Minnnesota (yay!) who along with his wife and daughter died in a plane crash last Friday. Now I'm not a consipracy theorist but it certainly is interesting that the key senator in the opposition against the war in Iraq who was engaged in a tight race (though the pools indicated had recently gained a 15% led) is killed in a plane crash. Regardless of any grassy knoll-esque theory, this is a tradegy for all those who had any hope left in the system. Here's a man who voted his conscious - what he thought the people wanted and not what coroprations or lobbying groups wanted. He stuck to his convictions and his values, going against his own party sometimes and sometimes being the lone voice of opposition on what should be a controversial issue (if everyone else hadn't been so nervous about elections and funding). He'll certainly be missed.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2002

On a side note for Beth: Boys are stupid! Very, very stupid!
Okay, I'm done now.

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Today is my baby brother's 16th birthday. I don't think I can remember being 16. Oh wait, yes I can, it was ages ago. Scary thing, he's legal to drive now. Scarier thing, last time I was at home, he was driving like a little old lady. So, Happy Birthday Ted! And don't drive 10 miles an hour.

Ooo - exciting note: the remote control is NOT broken. I know everyone was worried, but not to fear, Noell fixed it. All she did was unstick the "7" button. She's a genius. Other exciting note, I'm expanding my craft skills and spent much of the weekend sewing a purse. That's right, me, sewing. Yes, much cursing has been involved and I'm still several hours from being done. Noell, of course, is finished and her purse is beautiful. The jury's still out on mine.

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Sunday, October 13, 2002

So I spent almost four hours last night making a gift for a friend... and let me tell you, it was NOT relaxing. Supposedly this thing is supposed to be (and I use "thing" b/c I haven't given it to her yet and I know she reads this page) but I didn't find it so. In fact, there were a couple angry outbursts last night (partially b/c the remote control droped - like a foot - and is now broken... stupid technology). I think Noell was scared. Tonight, however, will be sleeping and Alias watching. Hopefully that won't make me mad.

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Saturday, October 12, 2002

Okay... Still trying to cope with the vote. Here's how I'm doing it. Below are the names of the Senators who voted against the resolution that the Senate passed. Feel free to give them a call and say thank you.

Daniel K. Akaka

Jeff Bingaman

Barbara Boxer

Robert C. Byrd

Lincoln Chafee

Kent Conrad

Jon Corzine

Mark Dayton

Richard J. Durbin

Russell D. Feingold

Bob Graham

Daniel K. Inouye

James M. Jeffords

Edward M. Kennedy

Patrick J. Leahy

Carl Levin

Barbara A. Mikulski

Patty Murray

Jack Reed

Paul S. Sarbanes

Debbie Stabenow

Paul Wellstone

Ron Wyden

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Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Tired, very tired... do'nt want to study Hebrew but I really should..

Love the Buffy tonight - not as much as last week, mind, but it was great to have Willow back in town. Poor Noell isn't feeling well. And that's pretty much it in this life. Sad, isn't it. I don't have the energy to rant about Bush's speech last night.

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Friday, October 04, 2002

More to rant about, just now feeling up to the task..

I was watching Law and Order Wed night as I worked on my baptism paper. This American kid who became involved in fundamental Islam shoots this prof who would try and help abused women - often times from the Muslim community. Anyway, during his defense, when he deceides to defend himself because his lawyer (also Muslim - but "don't confuse his politics with my religion" kind of guy) would not defend him the way he wanted. So, his defense pretty much included all the atrocities the U.S. has committed against the Middle East and beyond. So, here we have information many people should know coming out of the mouth of a guy who's portrayed to be a crazy fundamentalist. Oh, and he's only into this fundamental Islam because he's afraid of women so being in a religion/community where they subordinate women is attractive. So these people who are not aware of the other side of the war against terror and Iraq debate - and it's so sad how many there are - will be hearing this facts first in this context. Though I don't know a great deal about the human mind, I do know that this will taint their perspective on the other side of the debate, even if just a little. Very disappointing for a show that usually does a great job at giving both sides an equal amount of respect and suspicion.

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Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Wow... so it's been a bit since I last posted... School's starting to really catch up with me. Here's the lastest thing on my mind:

So I was watching Buffy last night, as I do most Tuesday nights, when that stupid video game commercial came on again. You know, the one I complained about a week or so ago. Anyway, I noticed something I hadn't before. The tagline for the game - which I believe is called The Mark of Kri or something like that - is "Mark your opponents and own them." Given the set-up of the commerical I previously bitched about, this is just unbelievable. And to have it shown during Buffy no less - a show that's main character is a strong and powerful female. Thank goodness an amazing Spike scene came on after that otherwise I think I'd still be feeling ill.

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